Imagine There’s No Lennon
“Imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try. No hell below us, above us only sky…” I find the above one of the saddest thoughts ever put to music. Unfortunately this song has become the Humanist theme song. At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and shutdown, a bunch of celebrities decided to sing this song acapella and share it with the world… for some reason. Why? It is a melancholy, hopeless song… at least on the surface. And John Lennon is dead. Imagine there is no heaven, no place where people finally find rest from a life of toil and struggle, pain and sorrow. Imagine there is nothing…
Resources about Biblical Sexual Ethics
I co-teach a seminary online Sexual Ethics course, and last week the profs hosted a live Q/A time with students. Many of them serve in ministry leadership. And they asked for a resource that lists episodes of The Table Podcast relating to our subject. The course work in our class is academic, and they wanted resources and links they could give to the people they mentor—stuff communicated in everyday language. So our teaching assistant,Joy Pedrow Skarka, pulled together that list—which I have posted blow. You’ve met Joy here, as she has filled in for me in the past as a guest blogger. At the end of the list she provided,…
How Bad is This Conversion Therapy Thing?
As pro-LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) voices and values grow louder and more insistent in the culture, what about those people of faith who experience same-sex attraction and don’t want it? What are they supposed to do with feelings and desires at odds with their faith? How are they supposed to learn to reconcile their faith and their sexuality? The cultural narrative has become, “LGBT represents normal, healthy variations in human sexuality, so everyone should support and celebrate all forms of sexual diversity. And if you don’t, we’re going to punish you, shame you, and squelch your voice.” Part of the punishing and shaming includes outrage over “Conversion Therapy.”…