• Engage

    “My Daughter Says She’s a Boy–What Do I Do?”

    A real question from a real mom: “Sue, my daughter insists she’s a boy. She has rejected all things feminine since she was a toddler. Now as a 15-year-old she says there’s a mismatch between her brain and her body. She wants “top surgery” (a double mastectomy) and testosterone to bring her insides and outsides into alignment. She says God made her this way and He doesn’t make mistakes so she is embracing a transgender identity. What do I do?” Oh sister. I am so sorry. I can only begin to imagine the pain, the chaos, and the conflict this is causing in your family. Let’s start with, what do…

  • Engage

    What I’d Love to Say to Bruce Jenner

    In Bruce Jenner’s recent TV interview with Diane Sawyer, the world-famous former athlete disclosed that “For all intents and purposes, I am a woman.” He’s being widely praised as a courageous hero for normalizing the T in LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender). I have a few thoughts I would love to share with him over a cup of coffee: Bruce, you said you’ve known since you were young that you felt a mismatch between your insides and your outsides: “My brain is much more female than it is male . . . that’s what my soul is.” I have no doubt this was confusing for you, as a boy…