
Take time to teach them about Him

He smelled of sweetness. Like honeysuckle in the evening breeze. An aroma so precious you want to hold it in your memory forever. His little cheeks were pure velveteen, and his dimpled hands and tiny fingers were like those of a new calf just learning how to stand: all fumbly and not quite practiced. His laugh could fill up a room like 10,000 brightly colored helium balloons. And his eyes danced with pure delight at the discovery of every new thing.
I held him there in the rocking chair and thought how quickly the days were escaping us. Unable to cradle his little body any longer, I held him close and let his 2-year-old legs dangle off of mine. As we rocked, he sang to me the “itsy bitsy spiii—iider,” complete with his own toddler motions. It was just the first line but I clapped my hands along with him as he proudly proclaimed, “Yeah!” I guess it was then I realized that this, little person—this never-stopping, ever-watching, champagne-bubbly, cookie- crumbly, life-filling, joy-spilling baby—was now a little boy and I wondered how my heart could be filled with such joy and yet ache all at the same time with the knowledge of how quickly he was growing up.
What a gift children are to us! Out of everyone on earth God gave me this precious child to raise. And later He would give me two more. I was told to enjoy my children’s early years because they would grow up so quickly. I had to move the head knowledge to my heart because there were always things to be done: laundry, groceries, dishes. But they were only little for a short time.
Now that my children are 24, 22 and 18 I can honestly say I have never regretted one second spent with them. They grow up so quickly! Though you may not feel like it when they are crying and dinner is burning, one day the house will be quiet and you will be so glad you took that time to just be with them.
I think our spiritual life is very similar. We get busy and we put off spending time in the word. We don’t pray. But just as our children long to spend time with us, so does our Father in heaven.
The bible says in James 4:14, Why, do you not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.
We are but a vapor. Here today and gone tomorrow. So shouldn’t we be motivated to live in such a way that is pleasing to God? Not only should we spend time with Him, we should teach our children to spend time with Him.

Sherry Shepherd is an experienced, adaptable professional specialized in writing for faith-based organizations. She has worked as an editor and writer for newspaper, movie guides, publishing houses, churches and several non-profits. Her scope of work includes corporate and fundraising materials, advertising, web, brochures, booklets, books, blogs and biblical training materials. However, her heart is drawn to any type of creative writing, where she can motivate while conveying a biblical message and telling a story. Sherry is the mother of three grown children, who have been the source of some of her greatest joy, laughter and material!