
Be Satisfied

Sunday School Chronicles

Me: Real talk, do you have moments where you’re not satisfied with what you have?

Kids: Yes.

Me: Give me some examples.

Kid 1: I really want a PS5.

Multiple Boys: No. No, you don’t. Don’t lie. You want an Xbox.

Me: Be truthful.

Kid 1: …I want an Xbox.

Me: No lie. I’m never satisfied with my manicures. I have a whole Pinterest board called “Nailed It!” that I’m constantly updating. So let me tell you about one of the most ungrateful kings in the Bible, Ahab.

Kid 1: Are there any good kings in the Bible?

Me: Yeah. But we’re focusing on the losers. King Ahab does the opposite of what God says. He even married this idolatrous chick named Jezebel. King Ahab sees a vineyard that belonged to Naboth. Ahab said, “So either give me the vineyard or I’ll buy it.” Naboth said, “King A! That’s my inheritance. I can’t give it away.” How do you think Ahab responded?

Kids: He cried! Sad! Mad!

Me: All of the above. Remember Nehemiah?

Kids: Yeah.

Me: Ahab pulled a Taylor Swift. He cried, wouldn’t eat, wrote breakup songs like, “Wha-oh oh! I want my vineyard-oh.” Jezebel was sick of it. She married a man not a boy. Or so she thought! So Jezebel wrote a letter in Ahab’s name. First of all, you know this isn’t the first time she forged a letter. She plotted on Naboth and had him killed. Afterwards, Jezebel said, “Go get your vineyard, boo!”

Kids: What! Boo! That’s terrible!

Me: Do you think God knew about this?

Kids: Yes!

Me: Was God shocked?

Kids: No!

Me: That’s right! God sends the prophet Elijah with a special message. So, Elijah rolls up with the force of the ancestors. He says, “Yo, Jezebel. You’re the worst but since you don’t know the real God, you’re acting exactly how you’re supposed to act. Ahab, you know better! And guess what fool! No more kings for you. You’re done! And the same way the dogs licked up Naboth’s blood is the same way they’re gonna lick up yours. Have fun being kibbles n bits with your ugly self!”

Reflect: When we aren’t satisfied, we’re tempted to look at what someone else has. Sometimes, we may even be tempted to take things that don’t belong to us. Pray and thank God for what He’s given you. Go a step further and thank God for how He’s blessed others. God holds nothing back from His children.

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