
Theme of the Year

For the past few years I have had a “theme” for the year. Sometimes it’s a word, sometimes a phrase. Sometimes it comes at the beginning of the year and sometimes it comes at the end of the year.

For the past few years I have had a “theme” for the year. Sometimes it’s a word, sometimes a phrase. Sometimes it comes at the beginning of the year and sometimes it comes at the end of the year. I don’t know that I’ve even paid attention to these “themes” until a few years ago and I don’t know that they always happen from January through December, but for me the past few years have fallen in this pattern.

2010 – Spiritual Growth Spurt
2010 was a growth spurt year. I didn’t realize this until 2010 was almost over. There are two other times in life where I felt I had gone through a spiritual growth spurt and 2010 was the third. Physical growth spurts are painful, require a lot of energy, food and sleep! Spiritual growth spurts are much the same. They are often painful, require more strength than we have on our own, need consistent spiritual food and physical and emotional rest. By the end of 2010 I was exhausted but had learned A LOT.

2011 – Going Deeper rather than Farther
This phrase came to me at the beginning of 2011. I have to admit, I did not like the phrase. I like going farther and going deeper – well, I don’t necessarily like it but I appreciate and value it. Going deeper means that some root issues are dealt with, false thoughts and beliefs challenged and potentially changed. Going deeper is pretty much guaranteed to be painful and let’s be honest, it is far more fun to go farther. 2011 was definitely this year and I am grateful I was not alone during this time of soul surgery.

2012 – Freedom (?)
I have been praying and thinking about 2012 asking God what is His phrase or word of the year for me. The word that has come and resonates with me is Freedom. I realize that often I am the one who puts the boundaries up around me, around others and around God. My hopes and dreams have limits and I have constructed walls that are not real. As I am considering calling for this year, I am trying to incorporate freedom. Freedom of redefinition of calling, freedom of what that calling is and what it looks like.

What theme or word have your received? Do you welcome it? As you look forward to 2012 how can you live in freedom?