
Time for a “Man-volution”!

A great marriage starts with the man! Bold statement huh? I agree but it’s true. If a couple wants a great marriage, that last, then it all starts with the man. But here’s the trick the man needs to be a man and not a boy or at least not act like a boy.

A great marriage starts with the man! Bold statement huh? I agree but it’s true. If a couple wants a great marriage, that last, then it all starts with the man. But here’s the trick the man needs to be a man and not a boy or at least not act like a boy. I either got an “amen” with that last statement or a “whatever do you mean Brian?” Too many “men” now-a-days claim to be men but they completely act like little boys. They are often self-absorbed, immature, non-committal individuals who are more interested in hanging out with their friends and playing video games than they do hanging out with their wife and children. Ouch!! Dad-gum this blog is bound to hack off a few men out there today.
The truth is most men don’t know how to be men; they weren’t taught how to be. They assume that being a man means knowing a lot about sports, hunting, fishing, building stuff, shooting stuff, loudly omitting bodily noises or whatever else sounds “manly”. Please don’t get me wrong, I think some that is necessary for a man. I love doing all of those things personally (except the omitting bodily noises of course!!) but it doesn’t make me a man. It’s just some of the things that come along with being one.
If you want to be a real man you have to look at the ultimate man Jesus. He knew how to fish and build things and be “manly” but it wasn’t those things that made him the model man. It was his compassion, his strength and commitment when things got tough. It was his obedience to his Father God, his desire to teach us how to treat each other and how to live a life that glorifies God. Ultimately it was his unyielding love for you and me and his unbelievable sacrifice on that Roman cross that showed us what a real man is. There is no other man capable of being the man Jesus was but the best news is that he gave us such a great model to follow.
Here are some Jesus modeled man tips:
1) Love God above all others (talk to him, spend time in His Word, attend church regularly)
2) Think of others before yourself – (Ex: Your wife, your kids, your friends, co-workers etc.)
3) Be willing to be sacrificial – (your time, your money, your love, your ____________)
4) Have a compassionate spirit – (the sick, the hungry, the lame, the less fortunate)
And lastly, men teach your sons how to be like Jesus and not like a sports hero, or a movie character or something that they’re not. Let’s have a “man-volution” and teach our boys how to be men. Let’s teach them to treat others well, how to be strong in character and not just muscle and how to be sacrificial and God fearing. I’m 100% that it would make this world a better place. Now – can I get an Amen?

Brian Holt was called into and served in children's ministry for over 20 years. Brian had the privilege to lead in children's ministries ranging from mega-church to plant church size. Brian changed roles in his church and now serves as the Care Pastor at Rock Creek Church in Prosper, Texas overseeing the Care and Support ministries of the church. Brian has been married to his lovely wife Amy for over 24 years and they have 5 amazing kids. Brian's passion is to see every man, woman and child fall in love with Jesus and become one of his devout followers, transforming their lives in the process to be more like Him everyday.