Top Reasons Being a Leader/Sponsor at Summer Kids Camp in Texas is for Crazy People!
#10) Being in a cabin with a room full of stinky 3rd – 5th grade boys! – Gas, shoes & wet clothes on floor = It’s what I imagine Hell smelling like.
#9) Being in a cabin full of emotional 3rd – 5th grade girls! – Drama, Drama and more Drama…I feel like crying now!!!!
#8) Eating mass produced camp food! – It builds character!
#7) Dealing with the wide variety of ravenous, blood thirsty insects only found at camp! Gimme the Raid and a Machete…and soak me in Deet!
#6) Dealing with the dumb level of joint paint that we adults over 40 must go through! I love you ibuprofen…you’re my only friend!
#5) Filling out all of those dad-gum Camp Forms! !@#&#%&!!!!! – Sorry about that…did I just say that out loud about forms?
#4) Sleeping on Camp Beds! – Chiropractors should hand out business cards here!
#3) Adjusting to the Noise! – Bleeding ears and uncontrollable shaking may occur…but other than that, you’ll be fine!
#2) Surviving 18 hour days! – Anything to take the focus off of the Camp Beds – after 18 hours you don’t care what you sleep on.
#1) Baking in the Texas Heat! – Smell that? That’s your brain cooking…smells like victory!!!
Enough Said…besides… I’m too tired to say anything else anyway…and my voice is gone and I smell bad too!