20 Tips To Classroom Management
Part Two…
Part Two…In my last blog, I shared some scenarios of kids who demonstrated inappropriate behavior while in the classroom. These scenarios were used to introduce my training topic “Behavior and Classroom Management.”
If you remember from my last blog, I gave each group of teacher’s different situations regarding kids and their inappropriate behavior in the classroom. The teachers were to discuss the scenarios in groups of two and come back to our big group with solutions on how to handle the behavior and manage the classroom.
As I mentioned before, this was a fun and interactive teaching and learning tool for all those who attended the training.
After the scenario solutions were presented and discussed, I then shared twenty tips for classroom behavior that I have personally used in the past.
Here are 20 Tips to Classroom Management
1. Establish age appropriate rules. Set rules that helps and not hinders the development of children, but they should be appropriate for each age group.
2. Use statements instead of questions during a confrontation. Use statements such as “put away that toy,” instead of a question such as, “do you want me to take that toy away."
3. Listen to students and be objective when offering discipline. Ask the student to tell you what they did that was inappropriate.
4. Be consistent with discipline and consequences. Don’t overlook misbehavior, rather handle it the same way with each child each time it happens.
5. Call children by name when addressing their behavior. Remember to use first names instead of young man, young lady, little boy, little girl, etc.
6. Be calm during a confrontation. Speak in a soft tone of voice instead of yelling.
7. Use appropriate language and words during a confrontation. Use words that are appropriate to the age and understanding of the child. Be careful not to let anger dictate the words you use.
8. Treat all children the same when using discipline. Be careful not to be partial to some children and treat them differently, letting them get away with inappropriate behavior.
9. Explain to a child why they are being disciplined. Some children, especially young children, need to know why they are being disciplined.
10. Deal with problem behavior one-on-one. If at all possible, confront the child individually away from other children.
11. Separate children when they are being distracted by others. Moving a child to a different seat, changing their activity, or redirecting them to play with someone else will often help solve the problem.
12. Redirect children by guiding them into another activity. This tip is most useful with preschool children.
13. Give silent clues or signals when a child is misbehaving. A firm look or a soft touch on the shoulder as you continue to teach is often all that it takes to regain positive behavior and focus.
14. Use attention getting signals or signs that will help gain classroom control. A phrase, clap, lights on and off, bell, etc. are all ways to get kids attention and regain classroom control. Use signals and signs that are age appropriate.
15. Find the positive in all children and praise positive behavior. Remember all children are created by God and have a purpose and plan for their lives.
16. Develop a calm environment. Keep the noise level at a minimum, prepare activities conducive to the inside classroom, stay on a schedule, and follow lesson plans.
17. Be organized and prepared with activities ready for the children when they arrive. Have activities out and available when the first child walks in the classroom.
18. Give clear and age appropriate directions for children to understand. Be careful to talk on the level of the child so that there will be no confusion.
19. Have extra activities available when needed to help children stay focused and engaged. Prepare more than what is needed for each classroom session. Have extra handouts, extra games, etc.
20. Be on time and set up for class when children arrive. Be careful not to be late to class.
When conducting training, I would suggest that you print off the twenty tips and give them to your volunteers as a reference. Remember, God has entrusted us with His children. As a result, we must be godly examples, godly role models, and godly teachers. May your classroom be filled with children who desire to come to Sunday school and may they grow in their love and faith in Jesus Christ.