
3 Ways to Seek Peace When You’re Anxious

This blog post comes from the frontline of anxiety. I stopped today numerous times to focus on breathing because of a tight chest of emotions. 

Letting the peace of God rule in our hearts sometimes takes more work than reciting a verse we memorized.

Do you ever feel so anxious you want to scream or hide?

Here are 3 ways to seek peace when you are anxious:

1. Name.

Put a name to your anxiety.

Anxiety is a red flag that something needs changed or taken care of. What is it? We can’t change or take care of a feeling.

2. Pray.

After you pray, pray some more.

When anxiety clenches a fist around my peace, I specifically talk to the Father about why I think I feel anxious. I ask God to help me see the truth. And I ask Him for wisdom to know what I can do about it—if anything. Sometimes it is simply a sin I need to confess and repent of. Other times it's a life decision I need to make.

Inviting God into the inner-conversation automatically flows in the peace of God which surpasses all understanding because He sees everything and knows more than I do about my life.

Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

3. Plan. 


What do you need to do to help alleviate some anxiety?

  • Do you need to stop something?
  • Start something?
  • Say sorry?
  • Write a checklist?
  • Make a schedule?
  • Say no to some things because you are overbooked?
  • Do you need to seek counsel?
  • Make a budget?
  • Have that hard conversation with someone?
  • Establish a new routine?
  • Ask for help from others?
  • Do you need to get your medication adjusted?
  • Change your diet?
  • Change jobs?
  • End a relationship?
  • Take a break?
  • Grab a friend?
  • Or just do the hard thing first?

What is one step you can do to move away from anxiety to peace and freedom? 

Sometimes, we can’t change anything.

So we pray and ask God to help us as we persevere, heal, wait.

Wait. Wait. (Sigh). Waiting is so hard, but in the waiting places of life, we learn to trust God more fully—which prepares us for the next time our faith needs muscles.

Serenity Prayer from Alcoholics Anonymous


God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference.

Today, I need to write out a task list and schedule when those things will get addressed. That way I can enjoy my son telling me about his invention without feeling irritated because mommy needs to move along.

I want to be present. I want to love well. I want to cherish every moment with my work in the home and work beyond my home—and let the peace of God rule in my heart.

Join me.