A Lesson from Moses on Home Schooling
What do we do when we find ourselves faced with a job that we didn’t sign up to do? Homeschooling during a pandemic may be just that situation for you. If we are to be teachers, who bring God the glory He deserves, it would be beneficial to look at the lives of those who have already done that. How did God mold them and equip them to do the jobs He gave them to do? What kind of relationship did they have with God? What held them back? What moved them forward? A great example of how God wants to work in us and through us is seen in the way God worked in and through them. Moses certainly didn’t go looking for the job of leading God’s people out of slavery. If we think about it, home Schooling challenges are not so different from the frustrations of herding a million people through the desert. How did he face the trials without losing control?
To mold Moses and shape him from an Egyptian prince, whose idea of control included murder, to become a humble servant leader, God chose the job of herding sheep. As I study the life of Moses I can’t help but see a real parallel to 1 Corinthians 13. Moses learned to endure long and became patient and kind. Moses learned that it was a good thing to hold his temper and refused the temptation of jealousy. He learned to not boast, or display himself haughtily. He was humble in God’s presence, deflated of all pride, willing to bare his feet in order to walk on holy ground. He learned to be diplomatic instead of rude and that acting unbecomingly left a poor example for others to follow. He learned the folly of insisting on his own rights or his own way. He became a leader who was not self-seeking, not touchy or fretful or resentful. He learned that it was unwise to keep a list of the evil done to him.
God taught Moses not to rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness. He learned to rejoice when right and truth prevailed. He strengthened Moses so that he was able to bear up under anything and everything that came until he was ever ready to believe the best of God’s plans. Eventually he came to even see the how that the success of their journey was linked to the glory of God’s name; he interceded for them based on God’s reputation as deliverer.
God’s faithfulness to hear and answer, His grace and goodness to meet their needs, strengthened Moses’ faith. He led the people out of Egypt under the nose of the Pharaoh and through the Red Sea where God drowned the entire army. Without knowing where the water would come from, he led them through the desert and right to the border of the Promised Land. He trusted the God who went before him to be enough for all he and the people needed. His hope in God’s deliverance endured even under the weight of overwhelming circumstances.
We can learn much about teaching and leading if we take the time to examine the conversations, the trials, the hearts and lives of those in God’s Word that have been handpicked by God as our examples. Home schooling will be less daunting if we compare it to forty years in the desert with an obstinate people to lead.