It’s Here! The new NET Bible App for iOS
We're excited to announce the new NET Bible Study app for iPhone and iPad users. The app is free in the iTunes app store, and it includes the full text of the NET Bible as well as all 60,000+ translators' notes. It also has several tools to enhance your reading experience. Notes: Creating a new note is always just 2-taps away. Just tap the verse reference and then tap notes. If you're logged into your Bible.org account, the notes will be synced with the NET Bible Study Drawer and the NET Bible Study Environment, so you'll always have access to all of your notes. Search: The new app makes it…
Introducing the NET Bible Drawer
Not long ago someone showed up in the Bible.org office and asked this question: "Wouldn't it be cool if a site called 'Bible.org' actually had the Bible on it?" They were right. Bible.org had thousands of Bible study resources, but the NET Bible was kind of in it's own world over in the NET Bible Study Environment. After several brainstorming sessions –and too many trips to the Keurig to count– the NET Bible Drawer was born. The NET Bible Drawer has tons of awesome features, but I want to show you just a couple of them here. (Don't worry. We've created a page for you to explore everything else that…