
God the Holy Spirit (Part II): The Holy Spirit is God!

We have seen from the Holy Bible that the Holy Spirit is definitely a person and not simply an influence or power.  However, it is not enough to just believe the doctrine – we must know the Holy Spirit Himself.  Furthermore, what sort of person is the Holy Spirit?  Is He a finite or an infinite person?  Is He God?  The answers to these questions are found in the Holy Bible.

The attributes of God are eternity, omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence. Does the Holy Spirit have these four attributes of God?

Eternity (being eternal)

The Holy Spirit is eternal having no beginning and having no end.  He has always been and will always be (Hebrews 9:14).

Omnipresence (present everywhere simultaneously)

The Holy Spirit is omnipresent.  No matter where you are – He is there with you.  Nothing can separate you from the Holy Spirit.  Fear not – you are never alone, you are never on your own.  You have not been abandoned. (Psalms 139:7-10)

Omniscience (all-knowing)

Beyond all intellectuals on Earth, the Holy Spirit is all-knowing.  We are all simpletons in comparison.  Fear not – you have all the knowledge and wisdom of God within you! (Isaiah 40:12-15. 1 Corinthians 2:10,11. John 14:26. John 16:12,13)

Omnipotence (all-powerful)

The Holy Spirit is the power of God.  Fear not – you have all the power of God inside you! (Psalms 62:11. Luke 1:35. Luke 4:14. Acts 1:8).

Yes, based on the four attributes of God – the Holy Spirit is God. We have established from the Bible that the Holy Spirit is a person (1) and that He is God. 

However, is He separate and distinct from God the Father and God the Son?

Now when all the people were baptized, Jesus also was baptized. And while he was praying, the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my one dear Son; in you I take great delight.” (Luke 3:21–22 NET)

In this passage, we have Jesus the Son being baptized in water on Earth, God the Father speaking to Jesus from Heaven, and the Holy Spirit descending from Heaven to Earth to rest upon Jesus (Luke 3:21,22). Furthermore, three separate and distinct persons are shown by this passage (Matthew 28:19).

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are mentioned in the Great Commission, indicating that they are three separate persons.  However, notice that the word “name” is singular.  All three members of the Godhead (the Trinity) share a common covenant name – Jesus! (1) (Ephesians 3:14,15) (1).  Note in the Book of Acts that converts were baptized into the name of Jesus, the Trinity’s shared name. (Acts 2:38; 8:16; 10:48; 19:5). Not trying to say we are wrong using all three names, but rather we are just incomplete in not mentioning the family NAME that is  ABOVE ALL NAMES – JESUS! (Acts 4:12. Philippians 2:9-11)

God the Son asked God the Father for God the Holy Spirit to be sent to Christians (John 14:16).  Again, they are shown to be three separate and distinct persons.

God, the Son, is going away to Heaven to be with God the Father, and the Holy Spirit is sent from Heaven to take His place on Earth (John 16:7).  Therefore, three separate and distinct persons are implied.

The Holy Spirit was sent from God the Father, at the request of God the Son, to the Church on Earth (Acts 2:33). This is the fulfillment of the prayer request of Jesus mentioned in John 16:7.

The Holy Spirit who goes out from God the Father was sent also sent by Jesus (John 15:26) That is, the Holy Spirit is not only the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:19), He is also the Spirit of God the Father.

When the Advocate comes, whom I will send you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me, (John 15:26 NET)

Furthermore, each person of the Trinity has unique functions: God the Holy Spirit is the giver of the supernatural gifts (power) in the church, God the Son is over administration (authority) in the church, and God the Father is overall responsible for the vision and direction of the church (1 Corinthians 12:4-6).  These separate roles and responsibilities indicate that there are three separate divine persons.

Nevertheless, although God is three distinct persons that exist separately, they also live as if they are one being since they are so united in purpose and thought (Deuteronomy 6:4. John 17:21). Similar to water that can exist separately as a solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (water vapor) simultaneously at the triple point (0.01 °C,  0.08871 psia) yet are still one because these are all different states or forms of water. 

In summary, the Bible again and again clearly distinguishes between the three persons God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 13:13).  They are three separate personalities, having mutual relations to one another, acting upon one another, speaking of or to one another, and applying the pronouns of the second and third persons to one another. Yet they are in such harmony that they appear to act like one! God is modeling the way we are supposed to live in the Body of Christ! Say Amen or Oh my! (Psalms 133. Ephesians 4:1-6). (2)

But Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back for yourself part of the proceeds from the sale of the land? Before it was sold, did it not belong to you? And when it was sold, was the money not at your disposal? How have you thought up this deed in your heart? You have not lied to people but to God!” (Acts 5:3,4 NET)
Holy Spirit series:

(Security, Wholeness, Success)

Then he said to them, “Therefore every expert in the law who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his treasure what is new and old.” (Matthew 13:52 NET)

(1) Select the link to open another article with additional information in a new tab.

(2)  This article informed by: Torrey, R. A., The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, New Kensington: Whitaker House, 1996, ISBN 0-88368-384-9

Hal has taught the Bible for over three decades. Through an interdenominational ministry dedicated to helping the local church build men for Jesus, Hal trained men, the leaders of men’s ministries, and provided pulpit supply. Before that, he was a Men’s Ministry Leader and an Adult Bible Fellowship teacher of a seventy-five-member class at a denominational megachurch. Presently, Hal desires to honor Jesus Christ through this Internet teaching ministry, thereby glorifying the Heavenly Father in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. He believes, second to cultivating his relationship with God, that raising his family unto the Lord is the most significant task for him while on Earth. Furthermore, Hal believes that being a successful leader in the church or workplace is no substitute for failing to be a successful leader at home. 

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