The Trinity—A Glorious Reality
“I love the Father. I love His Holy Son. I love the Spirit. I love the three in One. For He created me, redeemed and set me free. Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him." I was unaware, while singing this catchy song in the form of a “round” growing up, that I was singing some very important words about a deep theological reality. Nor did I know that many years later this profound, but simple song would surface as an opening sentence for a blog on The Trinity. In considering the historical development of the Trinity the word trinity is not found in the Bible, but is a theological word…
God the Holy Spirit (Part V): The Paradox of the Paraclete
If believers do not seek the Holy Spirit for His sake alone, He will seek to comfort, correct, and guide them.
How is the Holy Spirit like a Dove?
So, why is the Holy Spirit symbolized as a dove in the Bible?
God the Holy Spirit (Part IV): Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Holy Spirit
When did the Holy Spirit first come to Earth?
God the Holy Spirit (Part III): Is the Holy Spirit equal to God the Father and Son?
We have established from the Bible that the Holy Spirit is a person, He is God, and He is separate and distinct from God the Father and God the Son. However, is He equal to God the Father and God the Son (Jesus)?
God the Holy Spirit (Part II): The Holy Spirit is God!
We have seen from the Holy Bible that the Holy Spirit is definitely a person and not simply an influence or power. However, it is not enough to just believe the doctrine – we must know the Holy Spirit Himself. Furthermore, what sort of person is the Holy Spirit? Is He a finite or an infinite person? Is He God? The answers to these questions are found in the Holy Bible.
God the Holy Spirit (Part I): Introducing the Holy Spirit
Question: The Holy Spirit is __________.