
I Am Sick and Tired!!


I really do my best to write encouraging, positive blog entries.  I would never knowingly make a post that was negative or would ruffle anyone’s feathers.   I subscribe to the theory that you get more flies with honey than with vinegar.  But if I ever were to “vent” in my blog, it might go something like this:

I am sick and tired.  I’m sick and tired of


I really do my best to write encouraging, positive blog entries.  I would never knowingly make a post that was negative or would ruffle anyone’s feathers.   I subscribe to the theory that you get more flies with honey than with vinegar.  But if I ever were to “vent” in my blog, it might go something like this:

I am sick and tired.  I’m sick and tired of

kids getting the short end of the stick.  I’m tired of adults making decisions about children’s ministry that they would never make about adult ministry.  At the slightest sign of difficulty or lack of volunteers, ministries to kids are cancelled or postponed.  I’ve never seen a church cancel Sunday morning ministry to adults because things weren’t going quite right.  People move heaven and earth to make things work for adult ministries, but not for kids.  

I’m tired of hearing that we don’t have the money to fund kids ministry because we are putting in new carpet and padded chairs.  I’m tired of the attitude, though never spoken, that kids are a necessary evil in order to attract the main prize, their parents.  I’m tired of seeing young people “lost in the crowd” at church because they aren’t viewed as individual people, but part of the mob of “children’s ministry.”  

I’m tired of a low commitment level from kids workers because they have never been told their ministry is important and is valued by the church.  On the other hand, I’m sick and tired of seeing high capacity volunteers quit ministry because they are overwhelmed and receive no encouragement or support from the church leaders and the church body.

I’m tired of trying to be an advocate for children’s ministry, only to get a metaphorical pat on the head and a placating smile, as if I were your senile uncle at the family picnic.

I’m sick and tired of seeing kids walk away from the church when they leave high school because they finally can.  They left in their hearts years before, but mom and dad made them attend.  I’m sick of them leaving because they are smart enough to understand that they have been part of a “ministry machine”, not a precious individual, loved and valued by the church body.  

I’m just sick and tired.

Well, I guess it is a good thing I’d never post a blog entry like that.  So, here is my entry for today:  Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world.  Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight.  Jesus loves the little children of the world, and so should we.

Have a great day serving Him.

One Comment

  • SonShine

    re: sick and tired
    Thanks Ed…if only we were to realize how precious SS is as is the youth ministry…especially when we come to realize that children are not allowed to have SS in China! or some other parts of the world. What those adults would do to have a Children’s Ministry Program! I just finished reading “A Son in my Life” by a gal from Vietnam who is now an American citizen but she goes back and forth to establish a children’s ministry and churches there. We are so spoiled here in America and do not realize that our children are our heritage and if we do not teach them, prepare for them, love them, value them we are losing our heritage and being disobedient to Ps 78! I am sick and tired too that we do not push children’s programs enough…we need to do more not less! How I praise those churches that indeed do make children’s ministry a valued resource like the church my kids attend. My granddaughter is sooo very blessed to be in a youth ministry program that loves on them! That is what we need..and we need it now not later. So I agree with you 100%!