
NET Bible Study Environment Update: Hide the NET Bible Note #’s

Have you ever wanted to copy and paste the text of your favorite translation into a blog, facebook post, or tweet? Maybe you were writing an email or crafting a research paper and needed to copy and paste a Scripture passage for support.

Have you ever wanted to copy and paste the text of your favorite translation into a blog, facebook post, or tweet? Maybe you were writing an email or crafting a research paper and needed to copy and paste a Scripture passage for support.

You probably had an obstacle using the NET Bible to copy and paste: all of those awesome notes. Yes we love the NET Bible notes, but the text is riddled with extra note numbers! We feel your pain. There are 13 notes in the first 5 verses of the Gospel of John alone!

*The old painful method: 1.Copy; 2. Paste; 3. Delete Note Numbers.

We took out the pain. About a half year ago, the NET Bible Study Envrionment was updated to give users the option to hide those footnote numbers. Yep. We liked to copy and paste the NET Bible again. Now you can too. In the footer below the NET Bible find and click on "Hide Note #s."

*The new easy method: 1. Click on "Hide Note #s"; 2. Copy; 3. Paste.


*Want the NET Bible note numbers back? Just click "Show Note #s."

We hope this improves your user experience of the NET Bible Study Environment. So go ahead copy and paste the NET Bible like never before!