NET Bible Nomenclature: Full Notes Edition = First Edition
NET Bible Study Environment Update: Hide the NET Bible Note #’s
Have you ever wanted to copy and paste the text of your favorite translation into a blog, facebook post, or tweet? Maybe you were writing an email or crafting a research paper and needed to copy and paste a Scripture passage for support.
The Table Conference Review
Bible.org Serves in Africa: Update on Kijabe, Kenya
Bible.org at The Table Conference
Tomorrow, April 19th and Saturday April 20th, Bible.org and the NET Bible will be an exhibitor at The Table Conference.
Four New Bible.org Authors
Bible.org is pleased to announce four new authors. Bible.org's mission from the beginning has been to provide quality Biblical content for free. God has a monopoly on these men's lives. As you learn about them, please pray for them, their families, and their ministries. We appreciate their contributions to serve the global church.
Labs Update: Custom NETBibleTagger
Bible.org would like to announce the release of the Custom NETBibleTagger.
New Search Site
Bible.org upgraded its search functionality a few months ago. As a result, users are finding the content they want much more efficiently.
Bible.org Serves in Africa
Bible.org has a global impact. In 2012 the website alone reached people from 227 countries. Fifteenth on the list of most vists came from Kenya. Africa In April, Bible.org is serving alongside graduates of Global Proclamation Academy (GPA) for two pastors conferences in Kenya (Eldoret and Kijabe). Quick Facts About Kenya:
NET Bible Study Environment Update: Personal Notes Icon