Resources to Know About
Article: Ever notice how both Adam and Eve got rebuked for their mutual sin (Gen. 3)? And how both Ananias and Saphira got in trouble for their mutual sin (Acts 5:9)? And how both Ahab and Jezebel had consequences for their mutual sin (2 Kings 9:10)? But only David gets rebuked for his crime against Bathsheba? See this article: “Blame David, Not Bathsheba. The Prophet Nathan Did: In the Book of Samuel, three key voices say he’s the guilty one, not her.” Dr. Carmen Imes, author of Bearing God’s Name (you can read here the interview I did with her when Bearing God’s Name came out) wrote the piece for Christianity Today.
Review: I appreciated Aimee Byrd’s last book, Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. But we differ on how to interpret the Bible when it comes to her latest book, which is on Song of Songs. Check out the book review I wrote about it for Christianity Today: “When Song of Songs Uses a Word, It Doesn’t Always Mean What We Think It Means”
Podcast: The Alabaster Jar: The Alabaster Jar Podcast is a weekly conversation that takes on current issues impacting women at the intersection of faith, theology, and ministry. Dr. Lynn Cohick, Dr. Ingrid Faro, and Dr. Beth Felker Jones pour out their wisdom from years in ministry and academia to inspire women to continue advancing God’s mission in the world.
Forthcoming book incentive: Mary DeMuth’s forthcoming title is Love, Pray, Listen. Parents of adult kids can get a year full of weekly prayers for their adult children as part of her book launch. For more, check out her web site:
Announcement: My next Bible study is slated for an August 31 release with a new and improved series cover design. Title twelve in the Coffee Cup Bible Study series is Latte with Luke. I spent last summer immersed in Luke’s Gospel paying close attention to Jesus’s actions and words relating to outsiders. You can preorder here. A percentage of all the profit benefits Which is why I’m shamelessly mentioning it here.
Exhortation: I taught a seminary class this summer in self-publishing for ministry. And I noticed Five Trends in the Self-Publishing Market. Have you considered broadening your reach through self-publishing? You don’t have to write a fat tome. One of my friends published a twenty-page research paper she turned into an e-book. The topic: Two Reformation Women and Their Views of Salvation: KATHARINA SCHÜTZ ZELL & MARIE DENTIÈRE.
Textual criticism convo about women: Remember when I said “Mary Magdalene” is probably not Mary from Magdala but rather “Mary the Tower”? Here’s the much bigger conversation about that. Lots of chatter about this in my feeds lately. Don’t miss a fascinating conversation.
What about you? What podcasts are you listening to? Any good articles to recommend? Summer reads you liked? Feel free to share.
Photo by Laura Allen on Unsplash