What Can We Make of Jesus, but God Incarnate? (A Christian Conservative Goes to College, part 17)
“I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” (John 8:58).[1] The World Religions’ Professor’s assignment read as follows: What’s the best word to describe Jesus? Prophet, Avatar (of the Hebrew God), or Bodhisattva? Well, I was not going to be forced into the professor’s definitions….
God’s CIA
I am referring to God’s Covenant Implementing Angels (CIA).
Don’t Wish Me Luck
A Christian high school in the Chicago area displayed a disturbing message for one of their teams on their marquee: “Good luck in the State Finals!” I knew they were wishing them well, but unwittingly, the message writer had bought into an unbiblical worldview. There is no such thing as luck! The concept of luck is an animistic belief, which is the core of folk religion worldwide: a belief in the unseen world that is populated by various kinds of spirits such as the spirits of the dead (ghosts) and nature spirits, as well as unseen supernatural forces: fate, the “evil eye,” magic, witchcraft, impersonal energy forces (“chi”) . . .…
Funeral Myths
I went to a friend’s funeral yesterday where I heard a number of things to add to my running mental list of “funeral myths .” With the ever-increasing degree of Bible Illiteracy, combined with the growing number of believers who are “cultural captives,” more conformed to the culture than to Christ (please see my earlier blog “Are You a Pickle?”), it’s not surprising that people would have unbiblical beliefs about death, heaven, and God. Several songs were played at my friend’s funeral. One is called “Borrowed Angels,” which started like this: They shine a little brighter, they feel a little more They touch your life in ways no one has…
Part I: The Lord of the Scroll – Fellowship Lost!
The ruler of the dark angels – Lucifer – came to Earth and deceived, then stole the Scroll of Authority from man. He then returned to his invisible kingdom in the atmosphere of Earth (Ephesians 2:2) (2) to ruthlessly kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10) man with the very authority that was taken from him. And some things that should not have been forgotten have been forgotten… history has become legend, and legend has become myth, and the Scroll of Authority passed out of all knowledge (3)… until… the Revelation!