On the Trinity and Gender Hierarchy
Referencing the work of William Witt in Icons of Christ against such thinking, one of my students noted that some complementarians continue to argue that male-over-female hierarchy is rooted in the Trinity. But Witt argues that the fundamental issue of God’s nature is more important than anthropology (the study of humans). So, this student asked for clarification from Ver-lee Cheneweth, my teaching assistant who has made the Trinity and gender a subject of deep research. Here is Ver-lee’s response: First, in Classical Trinitarianism there is no hierarchy in the Godhead. Second, we must not pattern male/female relationships after the interrelations of the members of the Godhead. Why? Because the Creator is greater than creation.…
What Did the Philosophers Know and When Did They Know it? Part 2
Jesus told Pilate, “For this reason I was born, and for this reason I came into the world – to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice” (John 18:37). “Therefore see to it that the light in you is not darkness” – Jesus (Luke 11:35). While skimming a book I’d previously read entitled “The Great Philosophers: From Socrates to Foucault”, a quick summary of influential philosophers, I was sometimes struck by the darkness and futility of their ideas. Yet I was open to seeing truths that might be found within the shadows so to speak. I gleaned what truthful ideas I could from…
God’s Not Dead (The Movie)
“Whom are you worried about? Whom do you fear, that you would act so deceitfully and not remember me or think about me? Because I have been silent for so long, you are not afraid of me.” – God (Isaiah 57:11). I remember the apprehension I felt when I registered for Philosophy 150, World Religions Class. I knew what I was potentially getting myself into. (Out of the frying pan and into the fire.) I expected to be tried and tested in that class, but I signed up anyway. Thus six months ago, when I saw the preview for the movie “God’s Not Dead”,[1] I was very interested in seeing…