Book Review: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
“They say Aslan is on the move—perhaps has already landed.” ______________ Children easily lose themselves in imaginary worlds. In the days before video games, we lost ourselves in worlds of cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians, little green army men, etc. My wife tells me she would get lost in worlds of dolls and Barbies. It’s sad that most of us seem to lose our imagination gift as we grow older. Perhaps we simply fail to continue the practice. (Plus, they frown upon playing cops and robbers at my bank.) But if I no longer can conjure my own imagination at will, then let me find a book into which…
I’ll Take Narnia’s Aslan over The Shack’s Papa Any Day: What William P. Young is Missing
This week The Shack is (still) #1 on the New York Times Best-Seller list and, after three weeks, still in the top five at the movie box office. With unforgettable images Young draws a picture of God’s compassion for a bruised reed of a man who has lost his little girl in a crime of unspeakable violence and murder. The God of all comfort prepares Mack's favorite food in the kitchen. Skips rocks across the lake with him. Wears old flannel shirts. Young’s story takes us inside Mack’s grief and shows how God’s tender, creative soul-care heals and restores. Throughout almost thirty years of rheumatoid arthritis, the wanderings…
Aslan and The Shack
Job to his little girl: "Beware Jemimah, God is kind in ways that will not fit your mind."–John Piper, The Misery of Job and the Mercy of God The Shack is still #2 on the New York Times Best-Seller list. And I am among the millions who have read and enjoyed it. William Young has written a page-burner about theodicy and the nature of the Trinity. No small feat.