How Easter helps us Deal with Doubt
True confession: Sometimes I doubt. I doubt lots of things. From nominal things like a beauty product’s guarantee to transform my skin (it probably won’t) to more consequential things, like whether or not a politician is telling the truth (ummm….you be the judge). A degree of doubt is certainly normal and healthy, as the alternative would be gullibility. But what about when our doubts move beyond distrusting imperfect products, humans and institutions to doubting our faith? Doubting Scripture? Doubting the very thing Christians all over the world have set their hope on? True confession: Sometimes I doubt. These under-the-surface doubts regarding my faith rose to the forefront just after my…
Living Proof
John 20:19–31 is the Gospel lectionary reading for the second Sunday of Easter, April 19. The focus is on the risen Lord appearing to His disciples. Jesus first appeared to ten of His followers on the evening of Easter Sunday, with Thomas being the only person absent. (Judas Iscariot had already committed suicide.) Then, a week later, Jesus appeared again, and this time Thomas was present, along with the rest of the disciples. Like the other Gospel writers, John concluded his account of Jesus’ life with His resurrection. Yet, John’s presentation shows us that Jesus’ resurrection was not only a decisive affirmation that He is God and Savior, but it…