• Engage

    Beauty in the Waiting

    Gray skies. Still, stiff air. Walking for miles with no end in sight. Waiting.  If you had to describe waiting in your own life, how would it look? Hurried and determined by nature, to me waiting feels like a long walk with no clear direction. I step out the front door on a dreary day and go, uncertain of where I’m going or when I’ll arrive. I know the walk is good for me—strengthening muscles and teaching me to trust. But I struggle to enjoy the journey. And I hesitate to trust the One guiding me throughout the twists and turns. I run ahead. I take a break. I struggle…

  • Heartprints

    Encourage Children To Bloom…”Blooming As An Infant”

    Several years ago, my husband and I had the opportunity to visit Singapore.  While there, we were thrilled to get to visit the National Orchid Garden.  This garden was not just any orchid garden; rather, it was filled with more orchids than any other garden in the world. Upon entering we saw a large array of orchids, large and small, growing from one single stem.  Each one was unique, a one of a kind.  There were myriads of varieties sprinkling the sidewalks, paths, and walkways with their vibrant colors and designs. If you have ever tried to grow an orchid then you probably know of their temperamental nature.  Unlike most flowers, orchids can be very…