• Engage

    Pride and Prejudice…and Gender Fluidity?

    Suppose you heard that a vacation town had built a first-class theater and people attended in droves because the productions were that good. Suppose you paid your $66 dollars for tickets to a comedic, farcical adaptation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and drove an hour to get there. Suppose you arrived early enough to attend the “Pre-Show Chat”–a presentation that focused on how Austen liked to challenge the rigidity of Victorian social, class and gender divisions. And “true to her spirit,” this production would champion diversity in gender roles so that you could “look beyond superficial gender distinctions to better see and appreciate the inner character” of the players.…

  • Engage

    New Study Gives Us Good Science to Raise Sexually Healthy Kids (and send the Gender Unicorn trotting out of our schools)

    You may have heard about Charlotte, NC teachers being encouraged to use the Gender Unicorn to explain to students how the sex you are "assigned at birth" may be different from your gender.  Two weeks ago a new scientific study, "Sex and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological and Social Sciences," published in The New Atlantis journal, offers findings that challenge LBGTQ orthodoxy: You are not born gay. Nor is your sexual orientation unchangeable over a lifetime. Most young people (70-80%) who have feelings and sensibilities that do not align with their biological sex will eventually grow out of them. LGBTs have a higher risk of poor physical and mental health than heterosexuals, including:…