• Wimpy, Weak, and Woke by John L. Cooper

    Wimpy, Weak, and Woke (Book Review)

    “We think that for a general about to fight an enemy, it is important to know an enemy’s numbers, but still more important to know the enemy’s philosophy” (G.K. Chesterton).[1] Imagine living in a world of chaos, complete irrationality, and histrionics, a world where reason, history, and reality do not exist or no longer matter. Imagine living in a world where people who claim to be “oppressed” and “powerless” can riot in the streets with impunity and use their “marginalized”[2] status to get you fired or charged with hate crimes and dragged through court for years. Wait, we do not need to imagine this. Ever wonder what the heck[3] is…

  • Engage

    Racism: My Journey

    Today I’m happy to host guest blogger Ver-lee Cheneweth. As a seminary student, I must complete two assignments to graduate—called an Agape Project—that blend biblical-theological learning with community service to cultivate growth in compassion. But I wondered what project I would do.    Then on May 25, a 46-year-old Black man, George Floyd, died in police custody after allegedly using a counterfeit $20 bill to buy cigarettes. The videos from bystanders showing the white policeman, Derek Chauvin, kneeling on Mr. Floyd’s neck for more than eight minutes, even while Mr. Floyd repeatedly cried, “I can’t breathe!” horrified me. I felt the rage over Mr. Floyd’s death, but I didn’t understand the…

  • Engage

    Hazed and Confused

    Last night, a girl referred to her current state of mind as hazy. “Hazy,” I thought, I can relate to that. Familiar realities seem to be obscured by the “new normal.” Oddly enough, right when the fog begins to lift another comes. Someone else gets shot, cities are burning down, and people are spewing hatred.  My joy has waned and confusion has set in as I watch the fissures within the body of Christ become craters. I have looked on as people who I consider friends and ministry partners dig their heels in despite my grief. People are weary in well-doing, tired of praying, and not seeking the Lord before…

  • Engage

    The One, Two Punch: Choosing Not to Fear

    Proverbs 4:23  Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. How is your heart today? Seared by that slow motion snuff-film video? Rattled by the riots? Don’t they feel like a one, two gut punch?  On top of the virus threat that lurks out there as we begin to venture out? My heart is grieved and angry over that video.  And I’ve been ambushed by fear several times in the last few days. Maybe you have too. If you read my April 7th post, you may remember that because of my failure to wholeheartedly trust God during the Great Recession crisis of 2008, I determined…