• Be a God-Dependent Woman-Blog by Melanie Newton

    Be a God-Dependent Woman

    Do you fight any need to be dependent on someone? Does that attitude find its way into your relationship with God? God wants for us women to be God-dependent women—not “independent except for when we need Him.” That is very hard to accept in our culture that continually tells us to be self-sufficient. But the Bible teaches that we, as believers in Christ, should live our lives dependent on God all the time. We are to be God-dependent in our strengths when we are using our gifts and skills and opportunities well. We are to be God-dependent in our weaknesses that drive us to Him for help. And we are to…

  • Engage

    A Morning Prayer

    Soul care requires us to realize our utter dependence on Christ, who said, “Apart from me, you can do nothing,” (John 15:5). A couple of years ago I read this morning prayer by John Baillie (1886-1960) and posted it on my blog. Its message seemed perfect to share with you today: O God my Creator and Redeemer, I may not go forth today except You accompany me with Your blessing. Let not the vigor and freshness of the morning, or the glow of good health, or the present prosperity of my undertakings, deceive me into a false reliance upon my own strength. All these good gifts have come to me…