Jesus and the Male Caught (Up) in Same-Sex Attraction
Yes, the play on the phrase “Jesus and the woman caught in adultery” was intentional. So, how are we to act towards those that relate to us who have same-sex attraction? I am glad you asked!
When a Church Tells a Member, “It’s Not OK to be Gay”
Watermark Community Church in Dallas (where my husband and I are members) was recently dragged into the media when a former member published a letter to the church on the one-year anniversary of his membership being revoked. After several years of fighting his unwanted same-sex attractions, the young man got weary of the battle and embraced a gay identity—and a boyfriend. The church pleaded with him to repent (turn 180 degrees) and submit to the Bible’s commands to sexual purity, but he would not. So the church sent him a letter which the young man made public. Within hours, a firestorm erupted on social media, TV media, and print media.…
New Study Gives Us Good Science to Raise Sexually Healthy Kids (and send the Gender Unicorn trotting out of our schools)
You may have heard about Charlotte, NC teachers being encouraged to use the Gender Unicorn to explain to students how the sex you are "assigned at birth" may be different from your gender. Two weeks ago a new scientific study, "Sex and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological and Social Sciences," published in The New Atlantis journal, offers findings that challenge LBGTQ orthodoxy: You are not born gay. Nor is your sexual orientation unchangeable over a lifetime. Most young people (70-80%) who have feelings and sensibilities that do not align with their biological sex will eventually grow out of them. LGBTs have a higher risk of poor physical and mental health than heterosexuals, including:…
What Is Intersex and What Does the Bible Say about It?
We see the acronym LGBTIQA, and we might not even know what every letter stands for. To have conversations with people who self-identify in any of the represented categories, we need some basic language for communication: The acronym LGBTIQA stands for: 1) "L" – lesbians 2) "G" – gays 3) "B" – bisexuals 4) "T" – transgender people 5) "I" – intersex people 6) "Q" – queer and questioning people 7) "A" – asexual people and allies (Notice “homosexual” is not on the list—many consider that word “Christianese.”) Recently, I have had conversations with Christian leaders who’ve told me, “I don’t even know what intersex is.” I also hear people…