• Engage

    My Reluctant Journey or The Theology of a Porcupine

    Our guest blogger today is Mrs. P.J. Beets who is a doctoral student at Dallas Theological Seminary in the Doctor of Ministry in Spritual Formation program. I became a Christian as an adult.  As I began to grow as a believer in Christ, God graciously brought a lot of opportunities to study His Word and be with believers that practiced some of the same spiritual habits that Christ modeled while He was on earth. These habits are often referred to as spiritual disciplines or practices: Bible study, memorizing Scripture, prayer, fellowship, and service. They are some of the core practices that are essential to our life with God. However, I found…

  • Engage

    I Am Not Who I Want To Be

    Today my twin brother and I will extend our birthday celebration by over two months through our gift exchange with one another. There is no reason for the delay. Time simply ran away. Two months into my thirty-ninth year and daily I am reminded of who I am not. Mother. Wife. (Twenty-Something) Young. Renowned Speaker, Writer, Activist and World-Changer (or FBI agent) impacting thousands while living missionally in my community and world. And what I have. Two jobs. Mortgage. Student Loans. These things alarm me and my mind runs crazy. Who will know if something ever happens to me? Will I be alone until I pass? Who will take care…