• Plaster Eyeless Baby

    Slavery and Abortion in a Nutshell

    “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” Proverbs 14:14 In these most recent heated debates, I thought some food for thought might be appropriate: SLAVERY existed in America for about 300 years. It is possible that up to Approximately 60 million human beings died in and due to the American version of slavery during that time.[1] Half the country believed they were “free” to own slaves and that it was their “right.” (Constitutional right, certainly. God-given right even.) Many argued that blacks and Africans were not even human beings but were property. Who were others to tell them what to do with their own property?…

  • Engage

    In the News: Racism and Abortion

    When I was five or six living in Oregon, my mom helped me write a letter to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., thanking him for his work against racism. I enclosed my pennies. In 1969 (those tumultuous sixties) when I was ten, my family moved to Arlington, Virginia, two miles outside of Washington, D.C. What a shock suddenly to find myself in a school where racial tensions ran high. Still, I had both black and white friends. I considered myself unprejudiced. Yet when we visited what was my favorite of the East Coast historical sites, Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson, I bought into the argument that Mr. Jefferson had slaves only…