Cooling Down Discourse
Whew–my mouth burns today after a survey of my facebook feed. I need a sip of something cool to drink after some of the heated rhetoric I took in. Social media sizzles with conflict these days. These conflicts overflow into relationships, families and churches. A pandemic, racial unrest, elections in the U.S., disrupted governments in other countries all turn up the heat in conversations. I have witnessed un-civil discourse among families, friends and members of the body of Christ. John 17 records Jesus’s prayer for all believers. In John 17:20-23, the Savior prays for the unity of all believers. Why? Because their unity testifies to the world that the Father…
World on Fire: When a Gunman Attacked in My Hometown
Some days the world feels aflame. Saturday, August 3rd, 2019, the news gripped me. People fled out of a mall where I worked during college summers. Police surrounded the area less than one mile from my childhood home where I played hide and seek and marbles. Blood puddled at a store built where I used to trudge through the desert catching lizards and finding rocks. And the gunman—he hailed from the area where I now live. So, this terror feels more personal. And when I hear his actions flowed from racism and anti-immigrant anger, I shake my head at the lies and brokenness behind this horror. I can’t escape the…
Civil Discourse: Community Flavor
Have you looked at the comment section on any controversial topic on the internet lately? Some of the words there can burn the hair right off your head. How in the world can we have a polite conversation on a controversial topic with people in our community who think so differently than we do, who speak such fiery words? To put out that fire I have brewed a batch of civil discourse—community flavor. Let me share the ingredients with you. · Listen well. When you talk to someone in your community about a tough topic, you may know little about them. For a polite conversation to take place, you must…
Integrity, Words and Social Media: Three Principles
Are you like me? Controlling my words is an area where I have to be vigilant. This year, violence in our world and lately in my own city, as well as election coverage, means that negative social media posts are on the upswing, and lies and exaggerations are not uncommon. The “share” button is another potential pitfall. I am convinced that words matter—whether spoken or written. Psalm 34:12-14(NET) challenges me: Do you want to really live? Would you love to live a long, happy life? Then make sure you don’t speak evil words or use deceptive speech! Turn away from evil and do what is right! Strive for peace and…