The Best Book On Earth!
A little journey to the local Barnes and Noble is always a fun experience for those who love to read. Author displays, best seller tables, new releases, magazine racks, and categorized book shelves line the isles and walls. Bold words, bright colors, and eye catching illustrations are displayed on front covers and on banners in an effort to lure the reader to choose ‘this’ book. An enormously wide array of books can be found as they scream on the shelves, “buy me!”
Why do you purchase a book? Is it for pleasure, knowledge, or information? Perhaps, you wish to make something and are browsing the shelves for a “how to” book. Whatever the reason, most people are in search of material to meet their present or future needs.
But then there are times when you walk into the bookstore and walk out disappointed and empty handed, because the book you were pursuing was not found. Your needs were not met and your passion to read, enjoy, and learn something new turned to frustration, rather than joy.
Did you know that according to some sources one book has roughly 6,000,000,000 (that’s six billion-with a B) printed copies and is translated in 450 languages? Our God, Creator of the entire universe, has provided this book for all humanity to embrace. The words are His words, the thoughts are His thoughts, the promises reveal His love; and the purpose of His book is to guide, direct, and teach us, so that we can know Him intimately.
There is no other book on earth that can draw you in and meet your needs like this one. It’s no wonder that the Bible is the bestselling book ever printed. Each year the Bible, with its many translations, sells over 100 million copies, not to mention the online versions that many enjoy downloading and reading.
What book can bring you the most enjoyment, give you the best knowledge, share the most valuable information, tell you how to live a successful life, and meet your needs?
The B…I…B…L…E, is the one book that everyone should be buying and reading. It is the number one best seller and it is the perfect read.
For the Bible is:
The Big picture of God’s love and redemption for all of humanity. (Romans 3:23-24; John 3:16)
The Inspired Word of God for all of humanity. (John 1:1; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Exodus 20:1)
The Book of Hope for all of humanity. (Psalm 119:74, 114; 1 Peter 1:3; Romans 15:4)
The Life Manual for all of humanity. (Hebrews 4:12; John 3:36; 1 Timothy 4:8)
The Eternal Plan for all of humanity. (1 John 2:25, 5:11-13; Romans 6:23; John 6:47)
Next time you take your kids to a bookstore. Check out the tables or racks with Bibles. The BIBLE, yes that is the book for me, as I stand alone on the Word of God, the B…I…B…L…E.
The best book on earth!