
What Really Matters?

My wife and I spent the last several days with my aging Mom. She is in declining health. Her stroke last weekend has brought us to a hospice situation. Facing the end of time here on Earth focuses our attention on the things that really matter.

My wife and I spent the last several days with my aging Mom. She is in declining health. Her stroke last weekend has brought us to a hospice situation. Facing the end of time here on Earth focuses our attention on the things that really matter.

We spoke about her upcoming home in Heaven and seeing my Dad again. She communicated, as best she could, her love for her family and friends. She loved having scripture read to her, especially the Psalms. These are the important things.

As we minister to children and families we must remember that the Gospel message is truly “God’s power for salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16) Jesus died in our place, taking the punishment we deserved for our sins upon Himself. He was buried and rose from the grave, conquering sin and death, and proving that He was God. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) His resurrection validated everything Jesus had said. Each of us can be assured of eternal life by believing this wonderful message.

We must keep the main thing the main thing in our ministries. It is important to teach all that God has revealed to us in His word. However, a child who knows lots of Bible stories, but doesn’t know Jesus, is still lost. I pray that every child I have influence with will know that God loves them so much that He sent Jesus to pay for their sin, and that by simple faith they may receive eternal life.

This really matters.

1 Corinthians 15:3-4
John 3:16
Romans 3:23
Romans 6:23
Romans 5:8
Acts 16:31


  • SonShine

    Thanks so much Ed
    How my heart aches to read of your Mom’s struggles of late. Been there, done that. It is not the fun part of our aging and we all will face that bend in the road. How marvelous that she loves the Psalms and that she can communicate with you.
    On the other point YES and YES in proclaiming the gospel message. My father in law had the opportunity to do so at his sister’s funeral this past week. He is 92 and she was 96. He said the rest of the family just sat with dazes upon their faces as they did not understand the gospel message. How sad to come to that point in your life of the ages of 60+ and be lost. WE must truly be bolder in our witness so that when our loved ones or the ones we teach are in a crisis they can know and be certain of their destiny.
    Thanks for sharing this from your heart. May we all commit those verses to memory for such a time as this…

  • Stephen J. Drain

    Short and to the Point

    You're right Ed. You're right.

    Nothing else matters like this does.

    It's so sad that Satan (with our help) has switched the price tags on everything in life.

    My prayers are with you.

  • Ed Gossien

    Thanks so much for your

    Thanks so much for your prayers.  What a great way to say it, "Satan has switched the price tags on everything in life."