
Where is Your Faith?

He said to them, “Where is your faith?” And they were afraid, and they marveled, saying to one another, “Who then is this, that he commands even winds and water, and they obey him? Luke 8:25, (ESV), italics and bold mine.
Ever lost your confidence in Christ—in His love, His power and promises—during a severe storm of life? Ever felt disoriented and you couldn’t figure out solutions? Instead you felt suffocated from the drowning waves of a bad storm that relentlessly came at you.

We know crisis can come at any time. So we stay alert and watch carefully. Sometimes things seem pretty calm and then wham! You decide to go to the doctor and she finds a lump in your breast. Or you come home from the grocery store to find your husband sitting at the table and he tells you, “I just lost my job.”
These inevitable storms oftentimes linger for what seems forever. The massive waves of helplessness will eventually hit us hard. We feel at risk and we doubt God’s goodness. We may even feel God has left us to fend for ourselves, just like the disciples in Luke 8.
Scripture says, “…and as they sailed he [Jesus] fell asleep. And a windstorm came down on the lake and they were filling with water and were in danger. And they [the disciples] went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” (Luke 8:23–24a, ESV). Ever yelled at God, I’m perishing! Me too!
So what can we do when difficult times come? What do we hold onto when God’s promises seem so far away especially when the storm lingers? Where is your faith during difficult times? Remember:
Our faith stands in the grace of God who took care of the biggest problem in our life. He took care of our sin. He became a man, died for us and rose again (1 Cor. 15:1–5, Rom. 5:1–2).
Our faith endures on forgiveness. The very essence of our faith anchors itself on forgiveness. No matter what our storm of life brings us we need to depend on God’s forgiveness and we need to extend forgiveness to those who hurt us (Mark 11:22–26, Col. 3:13, Eph. 4:31–32).
Our faith abides in God’s everlasting love He has demonstrated to us over and over again (John 3:16; Gal. 2:20). The Psalmist writes, “I cried out, ‘I am slipping!’ but your unfailing love O LORD supported me. When doubts filled my mind your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer " (Psalm 94:18–19, NLT).
Our faith rests securely in knowing God keeps us safe under the shadow of His wings (Ps. 17:6–9; 46:1, Rom. 8:35–39, Phil. 1:6, Heb. 13:5–6).
Our faith grows when we believe God in all of our circumstances. We know He will take care of us during the dark hours of the storm and when it ends. Our faith in God will convert sorrow into joy when we see He had purpose for our suffering (Rom. 8:28, 1 Pet. 1:6–9).
When the storms of life hit they almost always appear stronger to us than God’s word. They come and we panic. Instead we need to ask the important question at the moment of hard; where is my faith? Who will anchor my soul and my life? Who will help me?
This blog post originally appeared at www.sacredstoryministries.org

Raquel Wroten (MAMC, Dallas Theological Seminary) was born in McAllen, Texas but has lived in the Dallas/Fort Worth area most of her life. Raised by a single mother, Raquel grew up knowing the meaning of diversity, creativity, and chaos through her four brothers and three sisters. The greatest gift she ever received came from her mother who taught her that living as a believer doesn’t mean perfection, it means grace. Raquel met her husband Rick at a church retreat in Oklahoma on a cold November weekend. They dated for a year and got married in June 1992. A couple of years later, Rick graduated with his ThM, and they welcomed Joshua. . .then Abby. . .and surprise, it’s Anna! Intermixing their cultures, the Wrotens have established a variety of traditions along with interesting combinations of food. Raquel believes that ministry begins at home so she finds new ways of serving those she calls her own. Raquel serves as editor of DTS Magazine and enjoys writing (in English, Spanish and Spanglish), cooking, coffee, education and serving up a feast for her friends and family.

One Comment

  • stevejamieson

    Faith on God

    Faith is the word that defines everything; we used to do faith on different people, different situation and different things. But apart from that we start doing faith on god also; people those are completely believe in god and religion are always having different types of faith on god that god will helps us in difficult times. This faith will bring positive changes in our behavior and gives courage to deal with situations.
