
You’re Okay

The toddler in this YouTube sweetly passes on what others have said to her. For generations, mothers have often tried to soothe their fraught children with three simple words, “You’re okay.” As a child wails and reels from known and unknown causes, a mother will try to calm and reassure her child with, “You’re okay, you’re okay.” My mother probably said it to me, I said it to my children, and I watch them say it to their children. And their children will probably say it to their children. Mothers know more than their children, they know that things will be okay, things are not as bad as they seem, and they will be with their children to take care of them. Preeminently, God wants to soothe His fraught children.

What kinds of things do we tend to fraught over? Tense relationships, uncertain finances, failing health, perceived injustices, unclear paths, COVID-19 uncertainties, strong dissensions, hurtful words, and many other things. When difficult things enter our lives, it is easy to be fraught.

But God wants to soothe us with truths that carry the meaning of “You’re okay.” Truths like God is sovereign. “Our God is in the heavens; He does all that He pleases” Psalm 115:3. God is ruling over all the events that touch our lives. God has ordained the events of our lives (Psa 139:16). God has ordained what we will experience in life. God is gracious (Exo 34:6). We can trust what is happening has gone through His benevolent hands. God loves us with a steadfast love (Lam 3:22-23). Out of His love, flows the circumstances of our lives. God is wise (Rom 11:33). He knows what will be for His glory and our good. God is holy (1 Sam 2:2). He doesn’t make mistakes. God is powerful to carry out His plans (Rom 4:21). If God plans it, it will happen. God is near to all who call on Him (Psa 145:18). He is present with us. Resting in who God is in the midst of unsettling circumstances soothes and calms our hearts.

So many things entice us to wail and reel in life. God wants us to continually remember not to fear because He is with us, He is our God, He will strengthen us, He will help us, and He will uphold us with His hand (Isa 41:10). “You’re okay, you’re okay” even though your circumstances and feelings tell you something different.        

Mothers naturally want to soothe and calm their children. The next time you or I find ourselves fraught, remember that God wants to soothe and calm us and is whispering in our ears, “You’re okay” through His truths. How quick will you and I listen to Him instead of our circumstance the next time we face unsettling events?

For your consideration: Jerry Bridges’ book, 31 Days toward Trusting God Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2013.

“It’s okay fish…it’s okay,” March 21, 2020, accessed July 14, 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pG0vY8K7-HQ.  

PJ Beets is passionate about encouraging women and children through the Scriptures and life to see the compassionate God who redeems the rejected by acceptance, the silenced by expression, the labored by grace, and the lonely by love in order to set them free to serve in His ordained place and way for them individually and corporately. She has served the Lord through Bible Study Fellowship and her home church in various capacities with women and children. Upon turning fifty, she sought the Lord on how He would have her finish well which began her journey at Dallas Theological Seminary. She has a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies as well as a Doctor of Educational Ministry in Spiritual Formation, both from from DTS. PJ is married to Tom, has three children, and six grandchildren.

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