
A Brand New Year

Welcome to a brand new year. As with most people, everyone is making a list of things they want to change this year. Some people want to stop smoking or lose weight. Others want to drop old habit or start new ones.

Welcome to a brand new year. As with most people, everyone is making a list of things they want to change this year. Some people want to stop smoking or lose weight. Others want to drop old habit or start new ones.

One year I was thinking about what I wanted my new year to be and it hit me like a tons of bricks. Why am I waiting for the new year to do this? I don’t have to wait for the new year to change my habits. I can drop to my knees and ask for forgiveness right now. I serve a God that allows second, third, fourth…. one hundred twenty seventh chances.

I don’t have to wait for the new year to put my life back in order. I don’t have to wait for the new year to set things straight. Every morning that I wake up, God gives me another chance to make things right.

So what did I get from all of this?

“You have 365 days a year for a fresh start… What are you going to do with your day?”

One Comment

  • thom.garrett



    Amen.  A few verses come to mind:

    “If anyone wants to become my follower,  he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me."  – Luke 9:23

    "So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." – Psa. 90:12
