
Deep, and Wide, Deep and Wide…..

            Have you ever dug a hole to plant a tree?  The nursery says to dig a hole twice as big as the root ball of the new tree.  (If I knew that first, I may have bought a smaller tree.)  The first foot or so of the hole for my new birch tree was easy going.  The shovel went in smoothly.  The hard packed red clay below the imported topsoil was a different story all together.  It was so hard that I needed a pick and pry bar to break it up at all. 

            Have you ever dug a hole to plant a tree?  The nursery says to dig a hole twice as big as the root ball of the new tree.  (If I knew that first, I may have bought a smaller tree.)  The first foot or so of the hole for my new birch tree was easy going.  The shovel went in smoothly.  The hard packed red clay below the imported topsoil was a different story all together.  It was so hard that I needed a pick and pry bar to break it up at all. 

            Removing the stray roots left behind from the laurel tree was interesting.  The roots went straight down in the soft topsoil.  When they hit the hard red clay, they diverted to the side in all directions.  Instead of a “root ball” it had, for lack of a better name, a “root pancake.”  The entire tree’s support structure was a foot or less deep in the ground.  It was a miracle that it stood at all.

            Is it possible, that sometimes ministries to children resemble my laurel roots?  Perhaps there are times that our ministries are plenty wide, but not nearly deep enough.  Maybe we sell kids short, thinking they can’t handle deeper truths.  Maybe culture has trained us to entertain instead of shepherd the hearts of young people toward Christ.  I’m sure we can do better.  Here are a couple of ideas to help us move kids deeper in their walk with the Lord.

            A friend, Jerry, has worked with four and five year olds for over 30 years.  He starts each Sunday the same way.  “Kids, we’re going to have a story now.  Where does our story come from?”  The kids reply together, “The Bible!”  Jerry says “And what does that mean?”  With enthusiasm they say “We know it is true!”  These young people are learning that God’s word is true!  They are on their way to a solid biblical worldview.

            A,B,C,D, ___ , ___, ___ .  Everyone reading this filled in the gap with E, F, G.  It is because you have been practicing your ABC’s lately?  No, it is because you have memorized them.  Most importantly, you memorized them when you were young.  Our young minds hold things better than when we are a little older.  Embrace Scripture memory in your children’s ministry.  It is never enough to know about God’s word, young people need to know God’s word.

            My birch trees should live a long time.  The soil is well prepared so the roots can go both deep and wide. 


Psalm 119:9-11 – How can a young man maintain a pure life?  By guarding it according to your instructions.  With all my heart I seek you.  Do not allow me to stray from your commands!  In my heart I store up your words so I might not sin against you.


  • Sara Clouse

    Getting it into their hearts

    While I laud scripture memory, we have to be careful that God's Word is getting into the hearts of children and not just into their heads.  We can  push so hard to "finish books" that we forget that memorization without understanding is just another case of wide but not deep.

    • Ed Gossien

      I couldn’t agree more!


      You are so right!  That's why I love Psalm 119:9-11 so much.  Young people, (and the rest of us I'm sure), are called to guard their life according to the instructions that they have stored up in their hearts.  In other words, we should know God's word so well that we use it as a "spiritual GPS" to guide us.  Memorization is step one, recall is step two, internalizing the meaning is step three, and a changed life is step four.  Childrens minsitry is a process that requires a long term commitment.

  • Cyruswoman

    Deep and wide

    What you say is so bang on the head!  I feel bad for digging wide, wide, wide but not quite deep at all with the kids in my life.  We assume they won't get it, but Jesus seemed to think they would didn't he?  Shame on us, and time for a change!