NetBible Serves in Africa: Update on Kijabe, Kenya served alongside graduates of Global Proclamation Academy for a pair of pastors conferences in Kenya. The first was in Eldoret (review here). The second was in Kijabe.

From Michael,

We did the second conference today (April, 12th). It was at Moffett Bible College in Kijabe, Kenya. More people attended this conference than the first one in Eldoret. One gentleman traveled over 800 km to attend. Another traveled 400km. One of the youth pastors said he was going to start his M1 training with the youth this Sunday. The dean of the Bible College said he was amazed at how simple and easy the M1 material was. He said he wanted to start doing M1 as one of their classes for their student for their Bible studies.

Many pastors thanked us for being there and for the lessons. They were thankful for a program that they could start using in their churches. They were also very thankful for the tools on DVD's that were given to them.

Several NET Bibles were given to the pastors who organized the conferences and hosted our team. They were thrilled.


One pastor who attended emailed the following:

I marvel at the awesome stuff I learned today! As you spoke you really imbued within my heart a passion for discipleship and it was great to know that I need to be more God centered and to treasure Him above all and seek Godly men to be accountable to over my life. I am really excited about the NET Bible software and can't wait to teach the M1 to the youth in my church and village. I was famished spiritually but by God's grace I felt spurred on and set on a trajectory towards Christ likeness.

Please continue to pray for the church in Kenya. If you'd like to partner in an intentional way to support the ministry that has been done in Kenya, please learn how to do so here.

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