Sandra Glahn, who holds a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) and a PhD in The Humanities—Aesthetic Studies from the University of Texas/Dallas, is a professor at DTS. This creator of the Coffee Cup Bible Series (AMG) based on the NET Bible is the author or coauthor of more than twenty books. She's the wife of one husband, mother of one daughter, and owner of two cats. Chocolate and travel make her smile. You can follow her on Twitter @sandraglahn ; on FB /Aspire2 ; and find her at her web site:
Sandra, this was so helpful. I've never had one thought about the global reach of our blogs. I think…ok…fb readers, readers (and somehow they're all in Texas?)…writer friend/book reader readers…but never this vision of international discipleship. Thank you so much broadening my horizons. It will also impact the way I pray for our blogging ministry.
Keep up the good work. I glean so much good stuff from your blog!
Some great thoughts here Dr. Glahn! Very well stated.
I particularly found it interesting that you mentioned using euphemisms in order to get by certain filters in closed countries.
I am curious if you were thinking about a blogger attempting to do this for every blogpost on their personal blog or simply just for some key blog posts? I don't really know that much about filters but it seems like it wouldn't get by certain filters unless a whole blog site avoided using certain catch phrases. But on the other hand, I would think that would be very hard to do that successfully without making it all too theologically ambiguous.
But those are just my random spurr of the moment rambling thoughts. I'd love to hear more about the idea of code words/euphemisms for this type of ministry.
Good queetions, Sarah. Yes, the entire blog avoiding certain words would help. But I also think some individual posts would get through.
BTW, if you want to consider podcasting, you can use words straight-up and get through. I have friends in a closed country who speak Arabic, and their podcasts—which include the gospel in every single issue—get through filters in every country of the Arabic-speaking world.
Lael Arrington
opening the doors and windows
Sandra, this was so helpful. I've never had one thought about the global reach of our blogs. I think…ok…fb readers, readers (and somehow they're all in Texas?)…writer friend/book reader readers…but never this vision of international discipleship. Thank you so much broadening my horizons. It will also impact the way I pray for our blogging ministry.
Keep up the good work. I glean so much good stuff from your blog!
Sarah Bowler
Good Thoughts
Some great thoughts here Dr. Glahn! Very well stated.
I particularly found it interesting that you mentioned using euphemisms in order to get by certain filters in closed countries.
I am curious if you were thinking about a blogger attempting to do this for every blogpost on their personal blog or simply just for some key blog posts? I don't really know that much about filters but it seems like it wouldn't get by certain filters unless a whole blog site avoided using certain catch phrases. But on the other hand, I would think that would be very hard to do that successfully without making it all too theologically ambiguous.
But those are just my random spurr of the moment rambling thoughts. I'd love to hear more about the idea of code words/euphemisms for this type of ministry.
Sandra Glahn
Good Questions
Good queetions, Sarah. Yes, the entire blog avoiding certain words would help. But I also think some individual posts would get through.
BTW, if you want to consider podcasting, you can use words straight-up and get through. I have friends in a closed country who speak Arabic, and their podcasts—which include the gospel in every single issue—get through filters in every country of the Arabic-speaking world.