
How Pinterest Can Help with Your Sunday School Lesson

I was hesitant to join Pinterest, but after much cajoling from my husband I jumped on the bandwagon. Surely, I won’t like it, I told myself. I mean, it’s just a bunch of lame pinboards right? Several months down the road I confess that I like Pinterest more than just a wee bit. Okay, I confess I like it a lot. I am probably an addict. But can I just say that the potential I’ve found in Pinterest excites me? I love utilizing new and creative ideas, especially if I can incorporate them into my Christian walk in a way that points people to Christ. 

I was hesitant to join Pinterest, but after much cajoling from my husband I jumped on the bandwagon. Surely, I won’t like it, I told myself. I mean, it’s just a bunch of lame pinboards right? Several months down the road I confess that I like Pinterest more than just a wee bit. Okay, I confess I like it a lot. I am probably an addict. But can I just say that the potential I’ve found in Pinterest excites me? I love utilizing new and creative ideas, especially if I can incorporate them into my Christian walk in a way that points people to Christ. 

Here are a few things I’ve come up with along the way that might be of benefit for your Sunday School Class…

Craft projects. I love crafts not because I am great at them but because I have fun doing them. So when it comes to teaching little kiddos, I love to bring them along on my craft escapades. Before the days of Pinterest, I tried a little experiment involving glue with a class of 3-year-olds. In hind sight, I probably should have had them use glue sticks, but I didn’t have any at the time. So, I spread some white Elmer’s glue on a paper plate and gave them Q-tips to dip in the glue. Just when I thought I had a class full of glue experts, I turned around to see one of the little boys flipping the plate of glue upside down on his head. Talk about messy clean up! Whew…

Along came Pinterest.  Now I can type in key phrases in the search bar and bring multiple ideas right to my fingertips. I used to Google for craft ideas, but I’ve found Pinterest to be more efficient. I can easily skim through the pictures to find a craft worth doing without having to click multiple links or scroll through a plethora of words.

Visual Images. This is an essential. If in doubt, try teaching a room full of kids without some type of picture or visual aid. Okay, don’t really try that. Just take my word for it. Utilize pictures. One way to do this is through finding visually stimulating pictures on Pinterest. Teaching a story on Ruth? Search for pictures of wheat or gleaners. Recently, I found a picture of Adam and Eve expelled from the Garden of Eden with the cherubim shining behind them. I was mesmerized. It brought a whole new level of depth to the story for me.

Free Printables. For churches that can’t afford expensive curriculum, online printables can be a lifesaver. For churches that purchase curriculum, online printables can be a helpful supplement. Either way, it’s a win-win situation.

Be aware that if you type something to specific, you won’t get as many results. If you type something too generic, you might be overwhelmed. For me, I’ve found that searching “Bible Printables” yielded some great results.

Connect with other teachers. See what other teachers out there are doing. Pinterest can be a great way to keep up with current trends, or breathe some fresh air into a lesson. Don’t limit yourself to Sunday School teachers. Teachers of all types might inspire some creativity or push you to think outside the box.

Pinterest has taught me to stretch my limits of creativity and helped me see beauty in the creativity that God has instilled in each person.  It has also taught me how to collaborate with others in the sharing of ideas that our mutually beneficial. Finally, I’ve been reminded that there are many avenues that we can use to reach Christ. So, next time you pin a new pin on Pinterest, stop and think how you might utilize some of your pins for your classroom. 

Sarah is the author of Bathsheba’s Responsibility in Light of Narrative Analysis, contributor to Vindicating the Vixens, and contributing editor for The Evangelism Study Bible. Some of her previous ministry experiences have included teaching and mentoring of adults and children in a wide variety of settings. Her small claim to fame is that she has worked with children of every age range from birth through high school over the past 20 years. She and her husband Ben reside in Richardson, Texas with their four children.