
Innocent or guilty?

I continue to be intrigued by human nature specifically as it relates to raising children. As I interact with dads and moms, I love to ask perspective questions. I am becoming less and less surprised by the varied answers to the same question. Everyone of us, within the scope of the United States, was raised with similar parameters. However, due to distinctive families and therefore, unique life experiences, our minds can process the same event in diverse ways with dissimilar conclusions! Fortunately, God’s word is constant and needs to be our foundation upon which we build. If you did not read my last post, stop and read Good Intentions, as I continue to address the desire versus action issue of many parents.

I continue to be intrigued by human nature specifically as it relates to raising children. As I interact with dads and moms, I love to ask perspective questions. I am becoming less and less surprised by the varied answers to the same question. Everyone of us, within the scope of the United States, was raised with similar parameters. However, due to distinctive families and therefore, unique life experiences, our minds can process the same event in diverse ways with dissimilar conclusions! Fortunately, God’s word is constant and needs to be our foundation upon which we build. If you did not read my last post, stop and read Good Intentions, as I continue to address the desire versus action issue of many parents.

Would you be found innocent or guilty if you were charged in a court of law with the following? “These words I am commanding you today must be kept in mind, and you must teach them to your children and speak of them as you sit in your house, as you walk along the road, as you lie down, and as you get up. You should tie them as a reminder on your forearm and fasten them as symbols on your forehead. Inscribe them on the doorframes of your houses and gates.”

I contemplate, for myself, the time I spend with my daughters and struggle with the balance, or should I? You know, the balance between teaching time, work time, family time and fun time. Balance is a good thing, right? Typically, we would say balance is a very important concept in our life. We need the right amount of sleep, food, water, work and relaxation. However, I see a very different theme in this command.

God does not seem to suggest that we separate teaching from any part of our life. I would challenge you to look back at the verses and try to figure out a time that is over looked! It appears to me, as if we should integrate His truth into every part or facet of our lives and more importantly instruct our children at every point of their lives.

Your head might be spinning as you ponder my challenge. How would I do this? I don’t have enough time! I don’t have the ability! A pithy answer such as, just like you eat an elephant, one bite at a time, might be a good sound bite however would not answer the question. Instead, I believe a straightforward answer is applicable.

Be intentional! Instilling God’s word in our children should be like breathing, not happening in a special place or at a special time, but consistently, without thinking, throughout our day. It should be an extension of your daily walk! I believe the key is keeping biblical instruction at the forefront of our mind, and we will honor God.