
Stay Ready

Sunday School Chronicles

Me: Do y’all like chillaxing on Saturday mornings?

Kids: Yes! No. I have sports. If I don’t have a game!

Me: Let’s say it’s just a regular Saturday with zero responsibilities. You’re in your jammie jams.

Kid 1: Jammie jams?

Me: You heard me. Jammie jams. You’re Netflixing, Fortnite-ing, napping and any other -ing you can think of. The house is nice and messy. And then boom! Someone rings the bell messing up your vibe!

Students: Yeah! That’s so annoying!

Me: They didn’t call first or anything! If they would’ve called or texted then you could’ve…

Students: Gotten snacks! I could’ve cleaned! Gotten dressed!

Me: Exactly! That’s how people are sometimes. But guess what? God doesn’t roll like that! Jesus didn’t come to earth without calling first! God gave us multiple scriptures preparing us for the greatest promise known to man! God is all about prepping us. You don’t have to get ready for Christ, when you stay ready.

Reflect: Sometimes it feels like God is moving in secret, but He’s not. He’s working behind the scenes to fulfill promises that were made clear in Scripture. God isn’t going to surprise us, especially since He told people to prepare for the coming of His long promised Son. What are some things God has promised you? How has God shown you that He is trustworthy enough to stay in a position of readiness?

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