Blessed Be the Name of the Lord
I am writing this past midnight and I really shouldn't be up. My body is weary yet my thoughts rest solely on my Mom's second procedure in a week to remove her breast cancer.
Easter Day Massacre–When prayers go unanswered
On this particular Easter morning, I woke up with a sinking feeling in my stomach. As I prepared to drive our nice minivan, to our nice church in our nice clothes I couldn't help but think about the global plight of our brothers and sisters in Christ. I prayed that morning—a prayer that God didn't seem to answer. An unholy foreshadowing of the events to follow crossed my mind and I whispered a faint prayer against attacks. I grabbed for my bright green scarf and threw on my yellow earrings for a pop of color and asked God to save his people from death and persecution on Easter Sunday. After…
BLESSED – What Does Blessed REALLY Mean?
Recently, while shopping in a store I sneezed. From the next aisle behind the shelf a woman’s voice said, “Bless you!” At every meal we ask – “the blessing”. “Many blessings to you” are the words I often use to close a letter or an email or a text. What do I mean? What is being said when these words are offered? Are we being too casual with the real meaning of offering a blessing? Yet, we may truly want that person to experience the blessing of God. Does what we say reflect a biblical view of the use of the word? Are we consciously offering to God our deep…