• Heartprints

    4 Phrases to Stop Using in Evangelism

    Sometimes confusing phrases occur in evangelism, which tend to muddle people (especially children) and fail to communicate the clarity of the gospel and the need to trust in Christ alone. Now please don’t misunderstand. People still get saved even when our words aren’t perfect. A person’s salvation is not dependent on us (thankfully), but on God. When I came to Christ, it was right after hearing one of the phrases below, and I remain forever grateful to that teacher who shared Christ with me. Still, whenever possible, let’s make sure our language communicates the gospel message in the best way possible. Phrases to Avoid: #1—Give Your Heart to Jesus The…

  • Heartprints

    3 Ways to Encourage Your Children to Share Their Faith

    I think most of us desire to see our children live out their faith but when life gets busy evangelism often takes a back burner. Here are three ways to encourage your children to share their faith: 1. Teach by Example: Children tend to imitate those they love and those whom they spend time with. And of course, we’ve all heard the old adage that actions speak louder than words. This holds true for evangelism as well. The best way to teach our children to share their faith is by doing so ourselves. The gospel ought to permeate every aspects of our lives. It is not so much about making…

  • Heartprints

    3 Steps to Building Spiritual Relationships with Children

    One day my Mom came home from church event and told me “Your Sunday School teacher said you were a sweetheart.” Warm and fuzzy feelings filled my heart and I strived to continue being that little sweetheart. For better or worse children’s workers make a lasting impression on kids. As we form relationships with our children there are three things we must do to build and strengthen the spiritual side of things. 1. Get to know them. This may sound obvious but in order to have a relationship with someone you must first get to know them. And simply put, there are no shortcuts to this. Make an effort to…