What is Truth?
Pilate’s famous question to Jesus “What is truth?” suggests that truth can’t be known or doesn’t matter. His attitude contrasted with the words Jesus had just spoken: “For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice” (John 18:37). Jesus’s followers are to be of the truth—yes, truth about him, but also truth about everything. Paul’s well-known passage defining love says it “does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth” (1 Corinthians 13:6). We should rejoice in investigations to uncover the truth and wrongdoing—even when we…
Waco Couple Shows How to Bloom Where You Are Planted
As a new Christian in the 1970’s, the phrase “Bloom where you are planted” was passed around as frequently as ketchup at a table. It was on cards, pillows, wall hangings, and other decorative items. Bloom where you are planted. Put down roots and grow. And help others grow. That’s what Christian couple Chip and Joanna Gaines of HGTV’s “Fixer Upper” fame agreed to do when they married a decade ago in Waco, TX — “plant our roots here and help make Waco grow.” And, according to a recent Dallas Morning News article, they are not just blooming where God planted them, they are producing fruit that benefits others around them…
The Rudeness of Not Responding with a “Thank you for applying …”
Searching for a job is hard enough without all the rejection. I’m not talking about a reply saying that you didn’t get the job. I’m talking about getting no reply at all! You might expect this kind of rudeness from a secular company. Surely, Christians would do better! But do Christian organizations and Christian-owned businesses do better? In the past few months, several of my family members have been searching for new jobs. One of our daughters is an appreciated professor at a west coast Christian university. She recently applied for professor positions at several Christian universities closer to her Texas roots—universities that prominently display on their websites that they…