• Heartprints

    A Family Devotional Guide for Easter Weekend

    In preparation for Easter, I’ve put together a short devotional guide based on 1 Corinthians 15:1–8, 53–58.   Ideally, this is a great resource to use on or near Easter Weekend. This could be done in one day (example: Good Friday), or you could read it in two segments (the first two talking points on the first day & the third talking point on the second day).    Download the pdf version of “A Family Devotional Guide for Easter” or simply view the plain text below. The Good News of Jesus Christ   Read: 1 Corinthians 15:1–8, 53–58   Read the passage out loud as a family. Then go through…

  • Engage

    Can you spare 15 minutes?

    Do you read the newspaper for at least 15 minutes a day? Do you watch at least 15 minutes of television daily? Do you spend at least 15 minutes a day on Facebook? Do you surf the internet for at least 15 minutes a day? Do you check your email for at least 15 minutes a day? If you answered “yes” to any one or more of those questions, let me tell you a story and offer you a challenge? A friend of mine recently diagnosed with serious cancer is fighting for his life.  For the past several years he chose to read the bible through each year.  In addition,…

  • Impact

    Offering Time at The Rose of Sharon Church, Ktado, Kabwe, Zambia

    She could hardly move, the bent over elderly woman whose hip had thrust its way so out of joint that she needed a cane to walk.  Even then she could only inch her way forward. It was offering time at the Rose of Sharon Church in Kabwe, Zambia; the band was playing as the singers told of Elijah and the coming of salvation and how Jehovah saves. The offering basket is not passed among the people in most African churches. Instead they stream forward to put their contributions in at the front of the church, and that’s the way it is at the Rose of Sharon Church…