An Unchanging God in an Ever-Changing World
This past Sunday, I heard the best sermon I have ever heard on the importance of placing our faith in the character of God. If you would like to hear the sermon, go to http://www.hillsdalebiblechurch.org/sermons . (You might want to wait a few days since it may not be posted yet; he just preached it yesterday.) After meditating on it I came to realize what a game changer it can be in our lives and in the lives of our children. We need to quit asking the questions the world asks and start asking the questions of life in a more Biblical way. Pastor Bob helped me realize that, typically,…
What’s the Big Deal with Tradition?
"Therefore, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold on to the traditions that we taught you, whether by speech or by letter." 2 Thessalonians 2:25 (NET) Tradition… Over the years, my husband and I have established a few traditions with our family. Some were cultivated from our favorite childhood traditions and some have been established through new routines with our children. Traditions like, turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and the works for Christmas dinner, opening one gift on Christmas Eve, Friday night family nights with games, movies, popcorn and fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and the birthday boy or girl getting to choose dinner on their special day. These small,…