Keeping Grace at the Holiday Table
When my husband and I would visit my parents, we liked to take bets about how long it would before my Dad would bring up the subject of the driverless car. After all, he was a transportation engineer for more than 3 decades, so he couldn’t help himself. It was fun for us to exchange knowing glances when the conversation really picked up steam, and Dad never disappointed. Time with family can be so fun. It’s often predictable. I have highlighted a pleasant, recurring theme in my family, but I definitely have some recurring behavior that I unleash when I’m with my family that isn’t so sweet or benign. So…
What is Christmas Without a Christ-child?
The future of our world depends on steady hearts and strong hands from the next generation. The next generation always comes to us first as a child. The children we teach today will be the future leaders of our homes, our churches, our country, and our world. They are valuable even when many times they don’t feel that value. Christmas is a perfect time to emphasize the importance that God has placed on children. “The potential possibilities of any child are the most intriguing and stimulating in all creation.” — Ray L. Wilbur, third president of Stanford University “Every child you encounter is a divine appointment.” — Wess Stafford, President…
Two Halloween Opportunities
We may love or hate it, but we can’t avoid Halloween—it comes around every year. As you talk with your friends, neighbors, and co-workers about all the revelry, don’t miss these two divine opportunities. 1. Build Relationships. Halloween is one of the few times when the whole neighborhood comes knocking. It’s not always easy to build relationships, but this one’s a no-brainer. Sit on your porch and talk to everyone who comes to you. It’s a stepping stone to deepen relationships, which will show you care and, in turn, may provide opportunities to share your faith. 2. Exult in Christ’s victory over evil. People might look at you funny if…
Twelve Days of Christmas…Celebrate the Meaning
On the First Day of Christmas the Bible reveals to me…Jesus born into humanity.