God’s Invisible Hand?
Just a short two weeks ago the world teetered on the brink of a missile strike against Syria. Following the inhuman use of sarin gas to murder innocent men, women and children our President labeled this a moral outrage and announced our intent to administer severe consequences for this violation of international human rights. Feelings were mixed among the nation, abhorring the senseless deaths of so many yet hesitant to reengage in the role of the world’s policeman. Believer’s prayed including over 10,000 people who prayed and fasted with Pope Francis in St. Peter’s square on Saturday, September 7th. Imploring God’s mercy and wisdom, yet peace seemed humanly hopeless. But…
What King Nebuchadnezzar and Obama have in common
We met with our home group for breakfast this week and the conversation naturally led to opinions about Syria. You've probably been exchanging views with your friends and family. Wherever you land, if you are like most of my friends, you feel frustrated, confused, and concerned. I sure do. What do you think is a godly response to all the political upheaval right now? I'm grateful that I'm currently immersed in the book of Daniel as I prepare for the release of a new Bible study for the Discover Together Series this summer. If world events weigh heavy on your mind and heart, consider reading the memoirs of this…
A Terrible Decision in Syria: Dead Children or Dead Christians?
Murdering children breaks God’s heart. When the children of Israel adopted the Canaanite practice of sacrificing their children as an act of worship God responded, “They have built the high places..in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire– something I did not command, nor did it enter my mind (Jeremiah 7:31). Anticipating their wickedness, child sacrifice was on the short list of ultimate abominations in Lev 18. If Israel killed their children they would defile the land and the land would vomit them out. The Canaanites practice of child sacrifice so grieved God that when God brought them into their land…