
That Gift From God: Open If You Dare

Have you ever feared your gift?

Well, you’re not alone. I have a theory that at some time in our lives, we have all feared our God-given gifts.

Silly when you think about it, but that doesn’t stop us from doing so.

Why do we fear? Well, I’ve got a theory on that too. A few of them.

Have you ever feared your gift?

Well, you’re not alone. I have a theory that at some time in our lives, we have all feared our God-given gifts.

Silly when you think about it, but that doesn’t stop us from doing so.

Why do we fear? Well, I’ve got a theory on that too. A few of them.

•    Our gifts are personal. They are so much a part of who we are that at some point we fear sharing them with others. As children, we yell, “Look at me!” as we fly off the swing or spin until we’re sick. As adults, we stop yelling because we start noticing that someone else can jump higher, spin faster, and get sicker than we ever could. No one wants to get a pat on the head and an “oh isn’t that cute” when it comes to something deeply embedded in our heart.

•    Our gifts flow naturally.
There’s this idea that you have to work hard to be serving God, so the thing that comes easily out of us, well, that can’t be real service. Then there’s the fact that we also have to hone our gifts. We have to sweat at times while we use them, so if you’re not in the “this should be hard” camp, then you’re in the “this should be easy” camp and actual work to hone that gift throws you off. Just because it flows naturally doesn’t mean it’s not a gift or that you don’t have to work at it sometimes.

•    Our gifts hold our dreams.
They hold our hearts, and therefore, we hold them close—sometimes too close. The idea of failing at our gift becomes our enemy, and we will do anything to keep from it, even if that means doing nothing with our gift. Somehow we miss the fact that if we do nothing, then when we end our days, we’ll have failed anyway.

Fear your gift? Well, let’s remember that life is really about living in the gifts God has given us to His glory. The results are up to Him.

And if all else fails when exercising your gifts, keep repeating this: “What’s the worst that can happen? What’s the worst that can happen? What’s the worst that can happen?”

Because really, what is the worst?

Jamie Lath is a middle child that has no baby picture without her older sister in it. Even with only two siblings, she grew up with family everywhere because all her aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, and even second-cousins lived in her hometown. With forty people at her birthday parties (all relatives) and her sister in every picture, she knows a little about community, and it's everlastingness. This has brought most of her ministry focus into meeting people where they're at, listening closely (especially to those who feel voiceless and like no one is listening), and helping them find God's voice in the mix. Jamie graduated with a BA in Communication Studies from the University of North Texas. Following a year of teaching English in China, she returned to the states to attend Dallas Theological Seminary. She received a Th.M. with a focus on Media Arts. Her background in the arts (ballet, writing, and acting) has given her an understanding of how creative expressions can give people a safe place to begin exploring how to use their voice and how it can touch hearts to hear God’s voice. She also blogs at I just called to say "Olive Juice."


  • Laura Singleton

    “Our gifts hold our dreams”

    I love this point, Jamie. Sometimes we don’t even know why we’re skittish about our area of giftednes, but I think this is the reason. We can feel the enormity of significance in our gut. We know somehow that this thing is something BIG, that it’s life-change, what we were created for. It’s what we want most, so we put caution tape around it, post warning sign and avoid it like the plague. Huh?!?


    • Jamie Lath

      I’m currently walking through it
      I have put caution tape around so many things and am spending this month trying to cut the tape and walk through a few dreams. I figure it’s time to see if it’s better to cordon it off or not. : )