The Church of Tomorrow
I have recently become bothered when hearing people refer to christian children as the "church of tomorrow" or "the future of the church." I know they probably mean to say that children are the future leaders of the church (and I hate to get all semantical) however, if taken at face value, it sets the wrong view for the impact of believing children.
I have recently become bothered when hearing people refer to christian children as the "church of tomorrow" or "the future of the church." I know they probably mean to say that children are the future leaders of the church (and I hate to get all semantical) however, if taken at face value, it sets the wrong view for the impact of believing children.
In fact, I know more children and teens who boldly proclaim the name of Jesus more so than any believing adult. Toddlers who proudly sing the songs they learned in Sunday School and recite their AWANA verses to whomever will listen, school-age children who share the gospel with their parents, neighbors and friends and teenagers that stand up to teachers who promote evolution or other theories and practices contrary to the Word of God. As children of God, they are part of the body of Christ-His bride-the church.
As children's ministry leaders and teachers, we need to remember that we are not just preparing them for a future with Christ, we are preparing them to make an impact on their world now. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 reminds us that it is ultimately the parent's job to be their spiritual leaders; but, praise God that we get to help nurture the faith of these fantastic children.
"From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger." Psalm 8:2
One Comment
what an encouragement
thanks Susan for this …a sure reminder that this is our mandate to prepare but we are but one avenue to their hearts…the parent is the key…parents are the key..
Love that verse in Ps 8:2…
Happy Easter! God bless