God remembers, do we?

God remembers…do we?

Gen 8-11 “But God remembered Noah…” God never slumbers or sleeps, and He remembers! How’s our “remember-er?” Do we remember God as He remembers us? When you go through each day, do you stop and give Him the praise that He remembers, that is recalls who we are. “For he knows what we are made of; he realizes we are made of clay.” [Ps 103:14] And because of that, He knows our needs and wants, and He provides for each.

God remembered not just Noah but all the animals that were with him in the ark. Isn’t it interesting that God’s memory included not just Noah but the animals? That is, God remembered all of the animals, from the least to the greatest.

Principle: If God could do that, He would remember each of us from the smallest to the greatest. How gracious is our God!

Children often forget, but God never forgets. Take time to teach children that God has a super memory bank. Help them to take time to thank God that He remembers. Help them to recall His faithfulness, love, grace, mercy, and lovingkindness. For I am ever aware of your faithfulness, and your loyalty continually motivates me.” [Ps 26:3]

Principle: God’s remembering should motivate us to recall His many blessings.

Today, take time to help them remember and recite the prayer of Nehemiah: “remember me for good, O my God,” [Nehemiah 5:19] That will help them to focus on the good and not the “bad.”

Coordinator of the Heartprints Blog Page: Gaye-Ellen Austin or SonShine has a passion to train people to be successful Bible students, following the words of Paul to his protégé Timothy: “ entrust to faithful people who will be competent to teach others as well.” (2 Tim 2:2). She taught 15 years in public schools and 12 years in a Christian school where she was coordinator of the NILD program for learning disabled students. She has taught Precept upon Precept classes and was a discussion group leader for 10+ yrs. in BSF in Daytona Beach. Fl. and Atlanta, GA. Also, Gaye-Ellen is the writer for the https://www.facebook.com/bible.org/ She also has her own personal blog page: https://sonshinesjournal.com/ David is a full time director for Bible.org as well as his secular job. He and Gaye-Ellen along with their son, Dr. Mark Austin, daughter-in-law, Dr. Blanca Austin and granddaughter Christina (https://christinaaustinlopez.com.) live in the Dallas area. Gaye-Ellen's goal is to present Christ and live Christ glorifying God. One of her favorite verses about the role as parents, teachers, and adults for the next generation comes from Psalm 78:4, "but tell to the generation to come the praises of the Lord."

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